About Us
3E Thermal is a trusted partner for improving energy performance, helping you make the best decisions possible when choosing manufacturers, vendors and contractors. We offer both cash incentives and technical support for installing energy efficiency upgrades in qualified Vermont apartment buildings. We work with all owners – nonprofit, for-profit and municipal – across Vermont.

Our Mission
3E Thermal’s mission is to make energy efficiency upgrades an integral part of multi-family housing renovation projects in Vermont.
Our Vision
Our vision is to enhance the sustainability of Vermont’s affordable apartment housing, by improving building health, safety, comfort, durability and efficiency.
Exceptional Project Support
At 3E Thermal, we take pride in offering exceptional project support to our clients. Unlike other programs, we provide a personalized "white glove service" that ensures a smooth journey from start to finish.
Each project is assigned a dedicated Project Services Manager who will guide building owners through every step of the process. From conducting energy audits to assisting with planning and connecting owners with contractors for competitive bids, our team is there to provide comprehensive support.
We understand that every owner has unique budgetary constraints and building needs.
That's why we offer multiple work scope proposals tailored to individual budgets. Our customer-centric approach puts you first, allowing your timeline to dictate our schedule.
At 3E Thermal, we believe in delivering a seamless experience that allows you to achieve energy efficiency goals while staying within your budget. Partner with us to experience the difference of dedicated support and expertise throughout your project.
statewide energy efficiency solutions
3E Thermal works to advance energy efficiency and better building practices — for owners of affordable apartment housing, the designers and contractors who serve them, and ultimately for the tenants who live in their buildings.
We function as consultants to owners and developers; we are not contractors or vendors. We have no bias other than to maximize energy savings, safety, comfort and efficiency.
Our most valuable asset is the knowledge and custom technical support our staff brings to every project. We help design teams and contractors achieve better results.
We also bring cash incentives based on the savings on each project. Incentives are funded through our partnerships with the State of Vermont and Efficiency Vermont.
We sponsor trainings and workshops, presented both by us and by others, to help advance general knowledge in the industry.
We’re a small team of consultants and green-building advisors who:
Serve as the central communication hub on energy upgrade projects.
Analyze a building’s energy performance.
Work with the building’s owner to develop energy efficiency solutions.
Offer cash incentives to create greener buildings.
Provide contractors with effective, leading-edge techniques.
Educate building professionals about state-of-the-art energy efficiency.